Friday, April 26, 2019

Download Your Teachers' Official PD Transcripts

When your teachers are needing license renewal, downloading a PDF copy of an Official PD Transcript is only a few clicks away!

Manager > School/Group > Teacher Name > Print PD Transcript...



This brings up a Print Dialog box. Now you have the option to Save As PDF for download to your computer, or print a hardcopy.

And here's what you get:


> View an example Official PD Transcript!

Thanks, Tammy, for calling, and Cindy for commenting—your feedback is a huge help!

Jay @ Greenbush.

Keep College Transcripts in Your PDP Cloud

When your teachers send you their college transcripts you can now upload and store them in the PDP Toolbox "Cloud" for centralized safe-keeping. This not only streamlines access for you and your teachers, but the transcripts also follow your teachers if they go to another PDP Toolbox district—just like PD transcripts! (And, as always, we are happy to provide non-PDPTB districts teachers' PD and college transcripts.)

Anyone with the System Manager role can now navigate to a Teacher's Preferences page and upload College Transcripts to their PDP Toolbox account.

To get there, follow these steps:

Manager > School/Group > Teacher Name > View College Transcripts...



See that in action!

Jay @ Greenbush.