Thursday, September 4, 2014

Evaluation Instrument Links to Your PDP Toolbox

Goals Browser

Have you noticed the new "Goals Browser" in your PDP Toolbox account? In addition to some layout improvements, there's a Cross Reference to McRel, KEEP, and Greenbush Evaluation Instruments.

Take a look: click on "Your Account" to go to your activities page. Then, in the "My Goals" box, located in the upper right corner of the page, you ought to find the Goals Browser. Click to open and find the consortium and your district and/or building goals. In the "Consortium" group, after each goal, find the text "Show Eval. Cross Ref.". Click "Show" to reveal the Evaluation Instrument options: McRel, KEEP, and Greenbush. Now click "Show McRel", for example, and this expands the cross reference between that particular Consortium goal and the McRel standards. Same goes for KEEP and Greenbush.

Evaluation Standards as Parent Goals

Here's a further option for your district: when you (and your teaching colleagues) are developing personal goals, your district Evaluation Instrument can be made available for selection as parent goals to your individual goals, in the same way you have been linking your personal goals to building and district goals. The idea here is to use your recent evaluation results to shape your current Professional Learning Plan by directly linking your PL goals to your focus areas in your Evaluation Instrument.

Jay @ Greenbush

Monday, May 5, 2014

Upload Multiple Files with Points Request

When you make a PDP Toolbox transcript points request, you can now upload multiple files along with your request.

In your PDP Toolbox activities page, open a new Transcript Points Request and scroll down to the "Artifacts" field located in the Post Activity Information box. Here, each time you add a file to your request, another file browse button ought to appear immediately below the last one. Keep adding files and the PDP Toolbox keeps adding an extra file upload option for you. :)

Thanks Madison M. and Nancy M. for your multiple file upload requests!

Jay @ Greenbush

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Clerk, Cancel Requests or Change Time of Day

Do you have the Clerk section in your PDP Toolbox account? This might help. When an approved Leave Request has been not been used, or the time of day used has changed, whoever has access to the Clerk role in the PDP Toolbox can now mark the request "canceled", or change the time of day.

To cancel a request, in the Clerk section of your PDP Toolbox account, open the particular leave request and in the "Request Leave:" box (first one) look for the "Status:" item. If the request has been approved you ought to find a select list with the options "approved" and "canceled." Select "canceled" then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the "Update" button. On the way there, you can leave a comment in the comment box to make a note of the reason for the cancelation.

What does this do? Canceling a request removes the request from your Clerk list. To find it again click the "Search by Date or Name" link near the top of your clerk section and find it there. The request remains in the Learning Coordinator history list, and the teacher's leave history...just marked 'canceled'.

To change the time of day, open the particular leave request and in the "Request Leave:" box (first one) look for the "Activity Date:" item. Again, if the request is approved you ought to find a select list after the activity date. Same thing, hit "Update".

There's also a time of day select list in the "Substitute Information:" box.

Thanks, Jami A., for taking the time to call about getting rid of the vagrant requests cluttering your Clerk list!

Jay @ Greenbush